
Baptism Request

Please contact the parish office three months before the desired date of the baptism of your child. Parents must fill out a Baptism Information Form and return it to the parish office and Godparents (sponsors) must fill out a Sponsor Eligilbilty Form signed by the priest in the parish where they attend mass each week and return it to the parish office. Parents must also attend a Baptismal Class which is held on the first Saturday of each month at 9:00 A.M. This class will last about one hour.


Please return completed forms to the parish office.

Click the image below to view or download the Celebrating Infant Baptism at Sacred Heart Church in pdf format or you may pick up a copy at the parish office.


Click the image below to download the Baptism Information Form in pdf format or you may pick up a form at the parish office.


Click the image below to download the Promise to God to Establish a Founded Hope the Child Will Be Brought Up In the Catholic Faith Form in pdf format or you may pick up a form at the parish office.


Click the image below to download the Sponsor Eligibility Form in pdf format or you may pick up a form at the parish office.



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